Monday, June 18, 2012

Meal Plan Mondays

Hi Guys!

I’m thinking that every Monday, I'm going to post what I eat for the day. Although fairly repetitive but I always add small twists to change things up a bit and maybe you can get a bit inspired and incorporate some of my meals into your day. So here’s what I’ve eaten so far…

6:45 AM
30 minutes of cardio on elliptical

7:30 AM
Egg White Omelet with spinach & spicy salsa

10:00 AM

Protein pancake with black coffee

1:00 PM

4oz of chicken with tomatoes, unsalted corn & unsalted white beans
Quinoa & 2 tbsp avacado

4:00 PM
2tbsp peanut butter
2 plain rice cakes

GYM - Leg Day & a little more cardio :)

6:45 PM
Post Workout Shake

7:45 PM
5oz Cod with Green Beans

So thats it! I typically eat 5 meals a day (6 if you include the protein shake) I will post picture/recipes later tonight

& don't forget your water!

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